Ignore a line with markdownlint


When using markdownlint-cli/markdownlint-cli2 or the vscode-markdownlint extension for VSCode, one may wish to ignore a particular line. Here is a cheap way to do that using a shortcode.

As layouts/shortcodes/mdl-disable.html

{{- /* Ignore the shortcode */ -}}

In your Markdown

(where img below is a shortcode like figure except correctly validates when inside a paragraph (<p>) tag by only being an <img> tag).

{{< img link="https://www.istockphoto.com/" src="https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/young-woman-watches-sunrise-outside-camping-tent-picture-id1248575497?s=612x612" height="50" alt="young woman watches sunrise outside camping tent" >}} {{< mdl-disable "<!-- markdownlint-disable MD034 -->" >}}

This will disable the MD034 check (no-bare-urls) for both the vscode-markdownlint extension (that is, the live linting while in VSCode) and when using markdownlint-cli, markdownlint-cli2 possibly through pre-commit (but that is not required).

Why we do it this way

  1. {{< /*<!-- markdownlint-disable MD034 -->*/ >}} leaves the wrappers in the output page (see How to comment out shortcodes in markdown)
  2. {{< mdl-disable "MD034" >}} with a shortcode that produced <!-- markdownlint-disable MD034 --> would only disable the linting checks on the output, not on the source Markdown files. This isn’t terribly helpful.
  3. We don’t really want this shortcode in the output, we just want the Markdown source linters to see the ‘magic’ comment and ignore the line.


It’s a pretty easy once one figures it out. I hope it helps someone.


If you are the only one creating content/code in the repo you could just enable unsafe = true for the Goldmark parser and use a ‘normal’ HTML comment. As jmooring likes to say (paraphrased):

It’s not unsafe if you’re the one writing it

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