I created a website and theme using the commands:
$ hugo new site nameofsite
$ hugo new theme blush
I initially named the theme blush because the background had a very light pink hue. However, I’ve since changed the overall design and color scheme of the website, and the new design no longer relates to the blush color. I realized that naming the theme based on color wasn’t the best idea. Next time I need to use a generic name. I’d like to rename the theme. Will renaming the theme folder and updating the theme name in config.toml be sufficient, or will this affect Hugo’s functionality?
I know this might sound a bit trivial, but I’ve made a lot of changes to the template files and added custom CSS. I really don’t want to start over by using the hugo new theme command again.
It’s not complicated, really: If you put your theme up for others to use, it’s no longer “local”. And then changing the name might cause trouble for others.
Thank you very much. I’m very grateful. I have this on GitHub, but the template isn’t syncing with the Hugo theme page, it’s something I’m using just for myself. I’m thinking that in the terminal, I should clone the repository and then do a:
$ cd mywebsite
$ cd themes
$ git mv blush newname
$ cd ..
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Update theme name"
$ git push
Plus, I think I need to edit the hugo.toml file, right?