Using .Scratch I got this to work
{{ with $.Site.Params.imagespath }} {{ $.Scratch.Set "path" ( . ) }} {{ else }}{{ $.Scratch.Set "path" "/images/" }}{{ end }}
<div class="box box--column box--image">
<img src="{{ $.Scratch.Get "path" }}{{ .Get "filename" }}" />
local variable is cleaner
{{ $path := "/images/" }}
{{ with $.Site.Params.imagespath }} {{ $path := ( . ) }}{{ end }}
<div class="box box--column box--image">
<img src="{{ $path }}{{ .Get "filename" }}" />
But this is what I tried originally that I could not get to render. Something about context maybe within shortcodes?
<div class="box box--column box--image">
<img src="{{ if $.Site.Params.imagespath }}{{ $.Site.Params.imagespath }}{{ else }}/images/{{ end }}{{ .Get "filename" }}" />
ERR: html/template:theme/shortcodes/image.html:2:104: {{.Get "filename"}} appears in an ambiguou
s URL context
just to be sure I saved the shortcode parameter locallly but I still get the same error
{{ $file := .Get "filename" }}
<div class="box box--column box--image">
<img src="{{ with $.Site.Params.imagespath }}{{ . }}{{ else }}/images/{{ end }}{{ $file }}" />
ERR: html/template:theme/shortcodes/image.html:2:104: {{ $file }} appears in an ambiguou
s URL context
How come . context is lost here. The if statement doesn’t create any new context and I’m grabbing imagespath with $.
Beside the “why is this happening” is there an alternative to what I found that is “slicker” and more terse?