I created a small script for converting jekyll posts to hugo

As the title suggests I created a small python script to convert jekyll posts to hugo, and I thought that might be of interest here. It does save some manual labour, and it’s available at github

Hi @SenjinDarashiva,

Thanks for sharing it! My blog is running with Octopress so I guess it will works. Could you explain what need to be converted from Jekyll to hugo ?

Of course I did a short writeup about it on my blog but the tl:dr version for a “standard jekyll site” (Only using standard jekyll stuff) would be:

  1. highlighting change from {% to {{<
  2. Make sure that date is defined in front matter and not just in filename
  3. Rename summary to description

I hope this answers your question otherwise please let me know :slight_smile:

Not really, it was just to help people to understand what you have contributed :slight_smile:

Thank you very much, @SenjinDarashiva! You have made a huge stride towards achieving https://github.com/spf13/hugo/issues/101: Hugo import from Jekyll!

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I am getting an error with this script:

  File "C:\Hugo\bin\jekyllToHugo.py", line 35, in <module>
    import yaml
ImportError: No module named 'yaml' ```

On an added note:

In the upcoming Hugo 0.15 relase, there is a hugo convert jekyll command. I have tested it on a few Jekyll sites, and it works great.

I thought I had seen that somewhere. Now you have me considering an upgrade…although that makes me a bit nervous…