

  1. 添加js


  1. 添加阅读数标签:

《span id=“pushtsua_container_page_pv” style=“display: inline;”》
阅读:《span id=“pushtsua_value_page_pv”》13《/span》

  1. 添加推荐列表标签:

《ul class=“list-paddingleft-2” style=“list-style-type: disc;” id=“pushtsua_recommend_list”》《/ul》


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I translated this topic and I noticed that it is about some jQuery script that generates a related posts list.

I am afraid that this is OT in the Hugo forum.

Also a duplicate topic with the exact same content by @ed_edwin came up for moderation today and I rejected it.

@liliang8858 and @ed_edwin I kindly request that you read the Simple Code of Conduct for posting in the forum.

These rules apply even for Chinese language speakers.

Thank you.

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