Hugo v0.112.0 - New template functions

Hugo v0.112.0 introduced three new template functions:

  1. The math.Abs function returns the absolute value of the given number.

    {{ math.Abs -2.1 }} --> 2.1
  2. The hugo.WorkingDir function returns the absolute path to the root of your project.

    {{ hugo.WorkingDir }} --> /home/user/projects/my-hugo-site

    This allows you to do this:

    {{ with .File }}
      {{ strings.TrimPrefix hugo.WorkingDir .Filename }}
    {{ end }}

    Which gives you something like this:

  3. The urls.JoinPath function joins the provided elements into a URL string. Unlike the path.Join function, urls.JoinPath retains the consecutive slashes in the protocol portion of a URL.

    {{ urls.JoinPath "" "a" "b" }} -->
    {{ path.Join "" "a" "b" }}     --> https:/

    In the path.Join example above, note that one of the two slashes in the protocol portion of the URL has been (undesirably) removed.

Here’s a practical example using hugo.WorkingDir and urls.JoinPath:


branch = 'master'
owner = 'gohugoio'
repo = 'hugoDocs'
service = 'GitHub'
urlPatternEdit = ''
urlPatternView = ''


{{- if $.page.File }}
  {{- with site.Params.repository }}
    {{- $path := strings.TrimPrefix hugo.WorkingDir $.page.File.Filename }}
    {{- $href := "" }}
    {{- $text := "" }}
    {{- if eq $.action "edit" }}
      {{- $href = printf .urlPatternEdit .owner .repo .branch $path | urls.JoinPath }}
      {{- $text = printf "Edit this page on %s" .service }}
    {{- else if eq $.action "view" }}
      {{- $href = printf .urlPatternView .owner .repo .branch $path | urls.JoinPath }}
      {{- $text = printf "View this page on %s" .service }}
    {{- end }}
    <div class="repository-link">
      <a href="{{ $href }}" rel="external">{{ $text }}</a>
  {{- end }}
{{- end -}}


{{ partial "repository-link.html" (dict "action" "edit" "page" .) }}
{{ partial "repository-link.html" (dict "action" "view" "page" .) }}

rendered (HTML)

<div class="repository-link">
  <a href="" rel="external">Edit this page on GitHub</a>

<div class="repository-link">
  <a href="" rel="external">View this page on GitHub</a>

rendered (browser)

Edit this page on GitHub
View this page on GitHub

If you use GitLab, your site configuration will look something like:

branch = 'main'
owner = 'jsmith'
repo = 'my-project'
service = 'GitLab'
urlPatternEdit = ''
urlPatternView = ''