I can’t achieve a simple thing.
Render my Tags list as a JSON array.
How can we render tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
to "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]
Thanks a lot
I can’t achieve a simple thing.
Render my Tags list as a JSON array.
How can we render tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
to "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]
Thanks a lot
top hit in docs search for JSON is encoding.Jsonify
just prepend the key for example using printf :
{{ $json := printf "\"tags\" = %s" (.Params.tags | jsonify) }}
Thank you very much.
(The documentation is not friendly for a newbie like me with few examples, and read it for hours before posting.)
Finally, to transform a Hugo taxonomy (array or slice, icd10 in this example) to a JSON array:
{{- range $index, $value := where site.RegularPages "Section" "recommandations" -}}
{{ if and ($index) (ne .Params.draft "True") }}, {{ end }}
"id": "{{ .Params.id }}",
"permalink" : "{{ .Permalink }}",
"title": "{{ .Title }}",
"description": "{{ .Params.description }}",
"icd10": {{ with .Params.icd10 }}{{ printf "%s" ( . | jsonify ) }}{{ else }}[]{{ end }},
"date": "{{ .Date }}",
"lastmod": "{{ .Lastmod }}",
"contentHTML": {{ .Content | safeHTML | jsonify }}
{{- end -}}
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