I am trying to customize the summary that is displayed for my blog posts. It keeps using the first some number of characters. But, I want to use an image or some small html instead. I tried putting html inside summary: "..." in the article front matter, but this did nothing.
@Ilya_Nemtsev content summaries are automatically generated and accessed through the page .Summary variable. See https://gohugo.io/content-management/summaries/.
{{ .Summary | safeHTML }} should do the trick. no summary frontmatter is necessary.
I’ve tried this but am still having some issues (sorry to post here - if I’m hijacking this thread please feel free to break out my post to a new topic).
If I use the automatically generated {{ .Summary }} all of the HTML is stripped from the output.
Is there any way to retain the HTML associated with the file being summarised?
For example, with a post markdown file with content like this at the beginning:
## First header
This is a first sentence _for example_.
This is a second sentence, new paragraph.
If I use the automatic {{ .Summary }} for this page, it renders as:
First header This is a first sentence for example. This is a second sentence, new paragraph.
(note: this also happens with {{ .Summary | safeHTML }}.
What I would expect to render is the HTML also:
<h2>First header</h2>
<p>This is a first sentence for example.</p>
<p>This is a second sentence, new paragraph.</p>
As a small work-around I’m using: {{ .Content | safeHTML | truncate 500 }}.
Where I truncate the full post by N characters (but this is not as nice as the autosummary - sometimes the break is in the middle of a sentence with ellipses).