Good day everyone. Trying to use octopress theme
c:\hugo\Sites\>hugo server --theme=Hugo-Octopress --buildDrafts Started building site **ERROR**: 2016/08/15 15:21:03 template.go:131: template: theme/partials/sidebar.htm l:64:17: executing "theme/partials/sidebar.html" at <first .Site.Params.s...>: e rror calling first: both limit and seq must be provided in theme/partials/sideba r.html **ERROR**: 2016/08/15 15:21:03 template.go:131: template: theme/partials/sidebar.htm l:64:17: executing "theme/partials/sidebar.html" at <first .Site.Params.s...>: e rror calling first: both limit and seq must be provided in theme/partials/sideba r.html **ERROR**: 2016/08/15 15:21:03 template.go:131: template: theme/partials/sidebar.htm l:64:17: executing "theme/partials/sidebar.html" at <first .Site.Params.s...>: e rror calling first: both limit and seq must be provided in theme/partials/sideba r.html 1 of 1 draft rendered 0 future content 1 pages created 0 non-page files copied 1 paginator pages created 0 tags created 0 categories created in 39 ms Watching for changes in c:\hugo\Sites\\{data,content,layouts,static,t hemes} Serving pages from memory Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address Press Ctrl+C to stop
how can i fix this problem?
git )