Hugo not rendering variables

I am currently developing a blog using HUGO, but i am having some issues about rendering variables in content.

This is my repo , if you checkout to the branch feat/add-disqus, run the server with hugo server, isiting the page http://localhost:1313/articles/how-different-programming-languages-affect-the-approach-to-ddd/ it is not able to render variables, and will display {{.Page.Site.BaseURL}} instead of localhost...

Any hint?
I do not find any possible reason :confused:

Preview here:


You can’t use variables in the content files, only markdown syntax or shortcodes.

You can always create a shortcode to output the BaseURL if you really need it.

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Got it!
I used a page, and totally fit my use case :smiley:

Ty @brunoamaral!

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