I am wondering if I am using tab-completion in bash correctly for the ‘hugo new’ command or if there is something I am missing.
I make new content via, e.g: hugo new content posts/my-first-post/index.md
I get tab-completion to work until new and content, but not for ‘posts’ (or any other directory under the content/ folder).
I wonder if this is expected behavior and if not completing the directories (sections) under content is intentional.
Ideally I would like to be able to do something like this: hugo new content posts/second-post/
And have Hugo automatically create the index.md file, either inferred by the last forward-slash, or perhaps even via archetypes.
But just tab-completion for the folders under the content dir would be nice.
I’m not sure if I am missing something, or if everyone just writes out the complete section names without tab-completion.
Like any other command (e.g., cp, mv, etc.), the path passed to the hugo new command must be relative to the working directory in order for path auto-completion to work.
hugo new content content/posts/my-first-post/index.md
hugo new content content/posts/my-second-post.md
If you want to create leaf bundles without having to type “index.md”…
Thanks a bunch jmooring.
That makes perfect sense. And I feel dumb that I expected it to work without the first ‘content/’ part relative to the working dir.
(Maybe nudged in this direction because ‘hugo new content’ works without explicitly providing the content/ directory).
In any case, I now have index.md (and an images/ subfolder) configured for my archetype.