Hugo generator tag usage?

In Hugo 0.16 we enforced the Hugo generator meta tag on the homepage. Are there any “stats sites” that uses this tag to track Hugo’s popularity?

I found this:


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I’ve been poking around the Internet but haven’t found anything other than that seems likely.

Using reports 5,917 sites.

Trending shows 6,958 total (that 5,917 live and the others historically), plus a blurb that Hugo’s gained about 1,300 from WordPress and Ghost.

Market Share has graphs showing that it’s gaining faster than losing.

Stuff I looked at:

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Highly unimportant question: however, we have two sites on Netlify running the same build command (hugo), both are built by same dev that runs the 0.21 on his computer. But one of the sites says

<meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.17" />

the other says

<meta name="generator" content="Hugo 0.18" />

I don’t think it’s a Google ranking factor right now, but it could (THEORETICALLY) be as Hugo grows in popularity and sites running the latest version gain an edge.

Netlify has several versions of Hugo. You can control the version that is used to build your site by including the following command in your netlify.toml e.g.

command = “hugo_0.19”

You need to check what is the latest version of Hugo that Netlify uses, if you want to declare it.
This tag is used to track Hugo usage.

Thank you @alexandros, I looked in my other projects and found the same file… Some days the head just isn’t screwed on right :sleeping: