Hugo does not generate webpage from a Markdown file

Hi, I have a strange problem that Hugo does not generate a webpage from a Markdown file.

Markdown file was generated from an Org-mode file via ox-hugo like all other files.

The markdown file is 17K in size.

The most weird thing is that Hugo does not even say any error messages, just ignores a markdown file silently.

Hugo version:

hugo v0.134.1+extended darwin/arm64 BuildDate=2024-09-05T10:17:50Z VendorInfo=brew

Does anyone know how to debug/solve such an issue? Thanks!

P. S. I have just noticed that it is related to the date of publication :exploding_head:

Originally, blog post was supposed to be published a month ago:

title = "Model-View-Controller architecture, part 1"
author = ["Dmitry Kabanov"]
date = 2024-09-08
tags = ["programming", "oop", "patterns"]
draft = false
featured_image = "/images/2024/mvc.svg"

and with this date it generates!!!

But I have just finished it, and now the front matter has today’s date (2nd Oct):

title = "Model-View-Controller architecture, part 1"
author = ["Dmitry Kabanov"]
date = 2024-10-02
tags = ["programming", "oop", "patterns"]
draft = false
featured_image = "/images/2024/mvc.svg"

and the post immediately disappears from the list of blogs posts.

I have tried --disalbeFastREnder, but it did not help.

Just a guess

The problem is not on your local computer but in your build pipeline? Maybe that server time is a little behind yours.

Log file may help. Run with --logLevel debug

Also hugo list future may give a hint.

And you can play with: --buildFuture or --clock to check


Oh, @irkode, thank you for the command and flags! I did not know them!

Indeed, as the date is simply YYYY-MM-DD, then it is in the UTC +00:00 timezone. However, I am in the UTC +01:00 timezone and was generating this page sometime between midnight and 1 a.m., which for Hugo was in the future due to the default timezone.

good observations :grinning: - I also stumbled over this effect and wondered why a page would not appear, until I realized this was due to the page date ‘in the future’.