Hugo Academic author's profile page: how it is built?

Hi all!
I couldn’t find any basic explication on how in Hugo Academic an author’s or user’s profile page happens to be created. More specifically I can’t find any html template aggregating all the user’s profile page components (hope this is not only my silly fault!).

This is aimed at building a custom profile page at the bottom of which, instead of having a “Latest” section listing recent publications only, I could provide the page with all author’s publications and, also, by using my desired format (it should not be displayed only the publication title as link, but even the complete bibliographical entry: this is surely a question of concatenating the right hugo variables within an html tag, isn’t it? But where is located the original file for this?).

In the end I would like to obtain something very similar to this (as I’m building the internet site of my academic institute):

Many thanks

So far I’ve found this post related exactly to my problem, but it does not give much more than some not-resolving clues: empty publication list on authors page

Hiya! The Academic theme was created by @neutreno. It has a dedicated issue queue and community chat.

OK, thanks. I’ll raise the issue there

Hello! I am the author of that website. I do indeed use the academic theme, but I have slightly modified our installation with our custom extensions. To achieve a layout similar to the one in our website you would have to override the profile page, and modify the code that was originally used to show “latest” publications to instead list all entries under a specific type filter.

The file that you should be looking to modify is located at is at themes/academic/layouts/authors/list.html

Many thanks! You saved my life. My mistake was that of trying to override list.html by copying it in contents/authors instead of in layouts/authors… Therefore I was experiencing not working changes…

So I guess it will only be a question of creating new loops for each kind of publication, using the right variables like .Title. I’ll try as soon as possible, disturbing you just in case of necessity. Thanks again

This is one of my e-mail (caducum at, if you will be so kind to send me a Hello there, I promise I’ll disturb you only if I will arrive to a standstill.


If it helps, this excerpt from our code should do the trick:

Perfect. I will have to digest it as I’m new to Hugo and Go.

Done. It works like a charm. Thanks