Spread the word.
Docker image - klakegg/hugo - Updated
Hugo 0.59 packages
Brew - Hugo Brew package for macOS and Linux - updated
Snap Package - Hugo Snap (Snapcraft) package for Linux
- traditional release - updated
- extended release - updated
Docker/CI Image - Hugo Docker image for Continuous Integration - updated
Docker Image - klakegg/hugo - Other Hugo Docker image - updated
Debian (sid) - not yet updated (Track link)
Ubuntu (eoan) - not yet updated (Track link)
Fedora Copr - Hugo RPM package for Fedora and CentOS - not yet updated
Chocolatey Package - Hugo Chocolatey package for Windows
- traditional release - updated
- extended release - updated
The hugo_extended_0.59.0_Windows-64bit.zip
build (hugo.exe) has increased in size from v58 from about 28 MB to 111 MB. I don’t mind really, but is that expected or a bug in the build process?
@coliff they seem about the same for me? So, the Win binaries are larger than Linux/Darwin extended because they’re fully static (to expect Win users to have glibc installed is a tall order). I updated the build image to Go 1.13.1 for this release, but the scripts should be unchanged.
yes, you’re right… sorry - error on my part. I must have got mixed up with the zipped file-size.
Brew : Updated