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Brew - a macOS package manager - updated
Snap Package - the Hugo Snap (Snapcraft) package for Linux distributions
- traditional release - updated
- extended release - updated
Docker/CI Image - a Hugo Docker image for Continuous Integration - updated
Debian (sid) - updated (Track link)
Ubuntu (disco) - updated (Track link)
Fedora Copr - Hugo RPM packages for Fedora and CentOS - updated
Chocolatey Package - the Hugo Chocolatey package for Windows
traditional release - updated
extended release - updated
Scoop - another Windows package manager - updated
Fellow Homebrew users, does it normally take this long for it to get with the program when there’s a Hugo update? Now over 24 hours since 0.55.1’s release and Home-brew is still at 0.55.0: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/hugo#default
It takes as long as it takes for someone to submit a PR to Homebrew with the new release.
It’s taken several days before. I don’t have my Mac right now so I haven’t done the PRs in awhile.
Thanks; haven’t seen how the sausage gets made until now, so that’s helpful info. Looks like there’s a High Sierra-related certificate issue as of a few minutes ago:
It was merged. Now, we can download Hugo 0.55.1 with Homebrew.