Spread the word.
Brew - a macOS package manager - updated
Snap Package - the Hugo Snap (Snapcraft) package for Linux distributions
- traditional release - updated
- extended release - not yet updated
Docker/CI Image - a Hugo Docker image for Continuous Integration - updated
Debian (sid) - not yet updated (Track link)
Ubuntu (cosmic) - not yet updated (Track link)
Fedora Copr - Hugo RPM packages for Fedora and CentOS - updated
Chocolatey - a Windows package manager - not yet updated
Scoop - another Windows package manager - updated
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Termux extra package for Termux, an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app - updated.
Docker image updated.
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Thanks for the heads up.
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In case anyone is looking for the (historical) Debian packaging of Hugo 0.49.1:
- Debian: http://snapshot.debian.org/package/hugo/
hugo (0.49.1-1): http://snapshot.debian.org/package/hugo/0.49.1-1/
Uploaded on 2018-12-19