Hugo 0.139.0 Released


Sounds like a great combination of bugfix maintenance and features. :rocket:

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Hugo 0.139.0 packages

Brew - Hugo Brew package for macOS and Linux - updated :white_check_mark:
Snap Package - Hugo Snap (Snapcraft) package for Linux - updated :white_check_mark:
Docker/CI Image - Hugo Docker image for Continuous Integration - updated :white_check_mark:
Debian - not yet updated :x:
Ubuntu - not yet updated :x:
Fedora Copr - Hugo RPM package for Fedora and CentOS - not yet updated :x:
Chocolatey Package - Hugo Chocolatey package for Windows


Any chance of getting a Winget package added to that list?

Does such a package exist and is it actively maintained? If yes and yes, I’ll add it.

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A post was split to a new topic: Panic when building on Netlify