I’m trying to use Github Secrets in a markdown page in an objective to prevent the leaking of my contacts details. Well, technically they are on my builded and online website. But I just want to prevent user from forking my website repo and making my contacts details available for ever.
And it will help me learn how to use secrets.
Anyway, I can’t see how I should write my variables on my markdown file and if I should change something in my workflow.yaml file. I can’t find any valuable information on the subject, everyone is just trying to put their auth token here, which I don’t need.
And in addition, how to allow only for forking the main branch of my repo ? Based on my understanding, if I’m using secrets on the markdown files, the builded html files inside the gh-pages branch will have my contact details and be available to people forking.
Thanks a lot ! In the end, this is not the solution I’ll use for this particular repo, as the build branch still gets my informations and can be forked. I ended up putting my informations on a private repo that is then linked.
But it’ll help for another one right away so thanks you very much for your time !