How to update CSS for hugoDocs for a PR?


I’d like to submit a PR to hugoDocs that adds a new class to the CSS for a documentation edit… basically that prevents a nested-img classed image from begin block displayed with 100% width.

I see that the CSS for hugoDocs is from a single optimized file dist/main.css. How is that created? Which source CSS file should I add that new class in?


Here’s the repo. What are you trying to fix?

I want to suggest adding a ghstars shortcode.

<!-- GitHub Stars SVG -->
<a href="{{ .Get "repo" }}" {{ with .Get "class" }} class="{{.}}"{{ else }}class="github-stars"{{ end }}>
    <img src="{{ .Get "repo" }}.svg?style=social&amp;label=Stars"
         {{ if or (.Get "alt") (.Get "caption") }} alt="{{ with .Get "alt" }}{{.}}{{ else }}{{ .Get "caption" }}{{ end }}"{{ end }}
         {{ with .Get "width" }} width="{{.}}"{{ end }}/>
<!-- GitHub Stars SVG -->

and this CSS:

.github-stars img {
    width: inherit;
    display: inline;

Then with this edit to tools/

diff --git a/content/tools/ b/content/tools/
index 29fbef6b..d3ac6dbe 100644
--- a/content/tools/
+++ b/content/tools/
@@ -22,24 +22,24 @@ The Hugo community uses a wide range of preferred tools and has developed plug-i
 ## Sublime Text
-* [Hugofy]( Hugofy is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 to make life easier to use Hugo static site generator.
+* [Hugofy]( {{< ghstars repo="akmittal/Hugofy" >}} Hugofy is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 to make life easier to use Hugo static site generator.
 ## Visual Studio Code
-* [Hugofy]( Hugofy is a plugin for Visual Studio Code to "make life easier" when developing with Hugo. The source code can be found [here](
+* [Hugofy]( {{< ghstars repo="akmittal/hugofy-vscode" >}} Hugofy is a plugin for Visual Studio Code to "make life easier" when developing with Hugo. The source code can be found [here](
 ## Emacs
-* [hugo.el]( Some helper functions for creating a Website with Hugo. Note that Hugo also supports [Org-mode][formats].
-* [ox-hugo.el]( Native Org-mode exporter that exports to Blackfriday Markdown with Hugo front-matter. `ox-hugo` supports two common Org blogging flows --- exporting multiple Org sub-trees in a single file to multiple Hugo posts, and exporting a single Org file to a single Hugo post. It also leverages the Org tag and property inheritance features. See [*Why ox-hugo?*]( for more.
+* [hugo.el]( {{< ghstars repo="yewton/hugo.el" >}} Some helper functions for creating a Website with Hugo. Note that Hugo also supports [Org-mode][formats].
+* [ox-hugo.el]( {{< ghstars repo="kaushalmodi/ox-hugo" >}} Native Org-mode exporter that exports to Blackfriday Markdown with Hugo front-matter. `ox-hugo` supports two common Org blogging flows --- exporting multiple Org sub-trees in a single file to multiple Hugo posts, and exporting a single Org file to a single Hugo post. It also leverages the Org tag and property inheritance features. See [*Why ox-hugo?*]( for more.
 ## Vim
-* [Vim Hugo Helper]( A small Vim plugin to help me with writing posts with Hugo.
+* [Vim Hugo Helper]( {{< ghstars repo="robertbasic/vim-hugo-helper" >}} A small Vim plugin to help me with writing posts with Hugo.
 ## Atom
-* [Hugofy]( A Hugo Static Website Generator package for Atom.
-* [language-hugo]( Adds syntax highlighting to Hugo files.
+* [Hugofy]( {{< ghstars repo="felipetoffolo1/hugofy-atom" >}} A Hugo Static Website Generator package for Atom.
+* [language-hugo]( {{< ghstars repo="mattstratton/language-hugo" >}} Adds syntax highlighting to Hugo files.
 [formats]: /content-management/formats/

we can get:

Alright. Well the stylesheet shouldn’t be hard for you. Not my decision to make, but I wonder if that information is worth the visual distraction of having all those Github icons or the potential page-load drag. It might be more helpful to discuss with the PR though.

Thanks! I’ve submitted a PR… let’s see:

Based on brief testing, that page can take ~400ms more to load, which is noticeable. So you are right, and it’s very well understood if this doesn’t get approved.