How to set default render file folder or section?

I use module mounts to manage and mapping my content, hugo.yaml looks like this right now:

# hugo.yaml
- source: articles
  target: content/articles

- source: notes
  target: content/notes

- source: daily
  target: content/daily

- source: read
  target: content/read

I have four different folder, i want to display articles folder at the root, eg, however it does not.

when I add a new md file in daily folder, daily folder will be display at root path. maybe it depends the latest file date to determine which folder should be rendered?

So how can I set articles as the default folder path?

See this example:

git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-46901 hugo-forum-topic-46901
cd hugo-forum-topic-46901
hugo server

site config

    - source: content
      target: content
    - source: articles
      target: content/articles
    - source: notes
      target: content/notes
    - source: daily
      target: content/daily
    - source: read
      target: content/read
    articles: /:slug

Note that I have included the default content mount, and have used the permalinks configuration to publish articles to the root of the site.