How to run theme's exampleSite

I want to learn the Tikva theme. It’s downloaded in the hugo-tikva-master/ directory. The exampleSite/ subdirectory has this content: config.toml content/ layouts/ static/.
In that subdirectory running ‘hugo server’ results in:
Error: module “Tikva” not found; either add it as a Hugo Module or store it in “/home/rshepard/development/web-site/hugo-my-site/hugo-tikva-master/exampleSite/themes”.: module does not exist

How do I view the exampleSite?

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd hugo-tikva/exampleSite/
hugo server --theme ../..


Thank you. I had downloaded the .zip file before. Now I know how to acquire
a theme.

Much appreciated,


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