How to remove indexing by date from Related Content

I would like to remove pages related by ‘date’ from the Related Content.
I am following the instructions in the docs: Related | Hugo , Related content | Hugo .
But whatever I do, the related content shows more pages than I expect.

My goal:
To display only content related by keywords.

What I tried:
I understand that I need to customize the default configuration.
Tried only leaving the block for keywords, hugo.yaml:

  includeNewer: false
    - applyFilter: false
      cardinalityThreshold: 0
      name: keywords
      pattern: ""
      toLower: false
      type: basic
      weight: 100
  threshold: 80
  toLower: false

And tried to leave the blocks for ‘date’, ‘tags’ but set their weight to 0 or -1.

Front matter:

  - mykeyword


      {{ $opts := dict
        "document" .
        "indices" (slice "keywords")
      {{ with .Site.RegularPages.Related $opts | first 5 }}
        <h3>Related pages:</h3>
          {{ range . }}
            <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></li>
          {{ end }}
      {{ end }}

Post1 in browser shows the Related Content correctly, one page:
(Which must mean I am doing Something right.)
All other posts show a lot of related content (2-5 pages), including the Contact and About pages.
Only the post1, project1 front matter have the keyword set. There are other tags set throughout the site. In Contact, About no tags only date. Hence my thoughts, that even the date is pulled in for the Related Content.

Expected result:
Only post1 should show the related page: project1.
As those are the only ones linked with the keyword.
Other post pages should not have related pages.
With only keywords set in the ‘related’ block in hugo.yaml and/or using options dict "indices" (slice "keywords") in the template.

What am I missing? Please suggest.

(hugo v0.136.5-46cccb021bc6425455f4eec093f5cc4a32f1d12c+extended)

Maybe. It could also mean that you see the result of the default configuration.

Hugo only uses the indices configured, so if you only want keywords then just include one item in the indices array.

As to what’s happening in your particular site is hard for me to say. Maybe have a look at hugo config and confirm that the configuration looks like you expect.

Thank you for responding!
After trying different things it started to work for me only when I added the param keywords (even if empty) to other pages front matter. Then it really suggested related pages based on keywords only.
(Also restarting the server when working with related content does not hurt.)