How to prevent Hugo from wrapping {{ .Content }} in <p></p>?

I might want to use <span> or <p class='foobar'>

This code

{{- with .Content}}
<p class="book-notes">
    {{ . }}
{{end -}}

leads to this html:

<p class="book-notes">
    </p><p>My content</p>


If .Content is <p>something</p> then the resulting HTML is what most of the HTML parsers and creators would create. You should post more context of your code to receive a solution. Maybe use .Plain or plainify if you know it’s less than one paragraph.

.Content is just the content of a markdown file.
I don’t want to remove other markup, just the wrapping paragraph

.Content is the parsed content of a markdown file. .Plain is the unrendered content of a markdown file. As in no p-tags. Probably. But unknown setup could change this assumption.

According to the documentation .Plain / plainify is the content without any html tags, not just p-tags. I just want to strip it of the most outer tag, or actually change it to p with a class

Well, then check the documentation on markdownify and trim and create a combined solution that takes your plain markdown, then trims empty lines from each end and then transforms it into HTML. Hugo wouldn’t add p-tags if it would be more than one paragraph in those markdown files.

Well, then check the documentation on .RawContent, markdownify and trim and use them to create a combined solution that takes your plain markdown, then trims empty lines from each end and then transforms it into HTML. Hugo wouldn’t add p-tags if it would be more than one paragraph in those markdown files.

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Thanks, I’ll have a look