My site is multilingual and home page is set to English language.
On home page I have diffrent tours that user can chose.
Link to it looks like this
<a href='/tours/circle' class="ctaLinkTours">
When my language is default one (English) and when I click on link it takes me to particular tour and it is on English which is fine.
But if on my home page I change language from English to Swedish. Home page URL looks like this
and when I click on link <a href='/tours/circle' class="ctaLinkTours">
it doesn’t stay Swedish it turns back to English.
config.toml looks like this for Swedish language
languageName = "flagswe"
LanguageCode = "swe"
url = "/swe/"
name = "Hem"
weight = -120
And I was thinking of add to link something like:
<a href='{{ .Params.LanguageCode }}/tours/circle' class="ctaLinkTours">
But is still not working as it should.