How to make site updates to support Google Analytics 4

GA4 support was added to the non-async version of the built-in Google Analytics (see: hugo/tpl/tplimpl/embedded/templates at master · gohugoio/hugo · GitHub )

You may want to check, and then update, the theme’s call for GA from google_analytics_async.html to google_analytics.html.


{{- if .Site.GoogleAnalytics }}
    {{ template "_internal/google_analytics_async.html" . }}
{{- end}}


{{- if .Site.GoogleAnalytics }}
    {{ template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }}
{{- end}}

Since you said you have a google_analytics param, then the theme is using its own GA code and param.

To use the built-in GA feature, add the above code shown (non-async version) somewhere in your theme’s baseof.html or head.html file. Then use the built-in param googleAnalytics ="G-" in your config.toml (top-level; before any [] sections).

Edit: You can delete the custom param google_analytics in your params.toml file so the theme will not add its own GA embed–assuming it’s conditional, if not, there probably is a separate disable setting from the theme.

It should work then.

