I’ve read the Hugo functions and the Go documentation for arrays/slices, but cannot get the name of a page’s first category. Here’s one of the things I tried:
{{ .Params.categories[0] }}
I’ve read the Hugo functions and the Go documentation for arrays/slices, but cannot get the name of a page’s first category. Here’s one of the things I tried:
{{ .Params.categories[0] }}
Something like this:
{{ index .Params.categories 0 }}
Thank you!
For others, I’ve implemented it like this:
{{ if isset .Params "categories" }}
• {{ index .Params.categories 0 }}
{{ end }}
Is there by the way also a way to check the length before accessing? For example (pseudo code):
{{ if .Params.categories.Length ">" 0 }}
{{ index .Params.categories 1 }}
{{ end }}
That would prevent ‘index out of range’ errors.
{{ if gt (len .Params.categories) 0 }}
{{ index .Params.categories 0 }}
{{ end }}