How can I get a date format of April 30, 2019?
My achetype = date: {{ .Date }}
This generates
date: 2019-04-30T12:50:44-06:00 in front matter
My html is
Episode #
{{ range last 1 .Pages}}
{{ range last 1 .Pages}}
{{ range last 1 .Pages}}
I can see there is a Date.Format but not guidance on where you use it, is it in the archetype, or in the html. I’ve honestly been trying to get this tor work for over 4 hours and nothing I try works.
I am pretty much at the point of just taking the date off of that section of the site but the perfectionist side really wants it to work.
@_nm is right. But I would be careful with this approach because if you ever want the “time” part of the date in the future you’ll be out of luck