How to display a custome page variable

The variable you created was defined in the frontmatter (the area seperated by +++ in TOML, --- for YAML or {} for JSON). To access those variables, just call .Params.mycontent.

The creation of own functions is a bit limited, because the functions you can access are defined in the source code of Go (which you use as a binary). Either you take a look at the basic functions of Go’s html/template package or you use Hugo’s custom template functions, which extend the standard template functions of html/template. There you’ll find some simple options to format trim, lowercase strings too. Otherwise ask explicitly for formatting options (with an example) or do a bit of research on you own.

And finally. you can create a list of elements in the frontmatter to. It depends on the format (TOML, JSON or YAML), that you chose for the frontmatter:

A simple example for TOML:

myList = [
    "String one",
    "String two"

And the YAML version:

myList: [
    "String one", 

For further information about the frontmatter take a look at the corresponding section in the docs