How to disable alternate color and hover in academic theme post?

How to disable alternate color and hover in academic theme post with HTML below?

Instead of:

it looks like this:

Do you have a live website we can look at or, even better, a repository of the website? Most of us don’t have the academic theme installed and configured. :slight_smile:

This is the live web
and this is the repo

I’m curious what themes most of you are using.

The table you pasted in looks like it might have been generated in Word or Excel, because it has a lot of “cruft” inline styles on every cell. Something in it, is probably conflicting with the css that is getting loaded. To wit, your table test page is loading Bootstrap among other css, and, Bootstrap already has default table styles.

I would examine the Bootstrap docs re tables, and simplify your table, using Bootstrap classes to style it and control it. First, just make a dummy table that is pure and simple html. Then layer in the styles you need.

So it has something to do with Bootstrap. Sir thank you.