Hi. I’ve gone through the docs a fair bit and googled but unable to figure out how to determine is page is a Bundle, Branch, or Leaf.
Does anyone know if there something like if .IsPage Bundle or Leaf of if Page.type or something. I couldn’t find anything.
The only thing I found so far was this. Trying to wrap my head around it now. https://godoc.org/github.com/spf13/hugo/resources/page
You could try {{ .File }}
With a regular page at yoursite.com/posts/foo/
, you could have either foo.md
(not a bundle) or index.md
(is a bundle)
So you could bundle this into a partial and have a return value:
{{ if .File }} foo.md or index.md or _index.md
{{ if .IsPage }} foo.md or index.md
{{ $file := print .File }}
{{ if in $file "index.md" }} index.md
page bundle {{$file}}
{{ else }}
NOT a page bundle {{ $file }} foo.md
{{ end }}
{{ else }} _index.md
branch bundle: {{ .File }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
Probably automatically-generated list .Page: {{ .IsNode }} <br>
{{ end }}
Thanks I also just found this. There is an example here similar to that. Thank you.
In case anyone else wants to know, I had to do this in a shortcode, and .File will not work there and throw errors.
Please use {{ $.Page.File }}
instead for shortcode templates.
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