How to deep merge mutilingual parameters?

Hi, I’m confused by merging the multilingual parameters, it seems that the params defined in following files, will replace the responding key of params instead of deep merging.

  • languages.toml
  • params.[lang].toml
// path/to/modules/foo/config.toml
foo = 1

// ------------

// config/_default/config.toml
path = "path/to/modules/foo"

// ------------

// config/_default/params.toml
bar = 2

// ------------

// config/_defualt/languages.toml
title = "English site"

title = "Chinese site"
{{ warnf "%v" }}

#1 Everything is OK when using params.toml, expected messages as following.

map[bar:2 foo:1]
map[bar:2 foo:1]

#2 When defining params in languages.toml

title = "English site"
lang = "en"

title = "Chinese site"
lang = "zh"



The foo param was overridden.

#3 When using params.[lang].toml.

// config/_default/params.en.toml
lang = "en"

// config/_default/params.zh.toml
lang = "zh"

Same as #2.

Use case

Similar to the description and the copyright parameters, there are some parameters of module/component related to their language, but in this case, it’s unable to define others parameters that have default value in module’s configuration file, I have to define the default value inside template like this, to ensure getting the correct default value.

{{ $width := default 20 }}
<div style="width: {{ . }}%;"></div>

If we can deep merging the parameters from languages and params.[lang].

<div style="width: {{ }}%;"></div>

This seems to be related:

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