hugo v0.131.0+extended darwin/arm64 BuildDate=2024-08-02T09:03:48Z VendorInfo=brew
A few days ago I suddenly started getting the error “failed to fetch remote resource: Forbidden” while building my site. Nothing changed since the last successful site build, and I also deleted all Twitter shortcodes I had, so it’s probably not Twitter. What can I do to pinpoint the culprit, other than removing and re-adding all the content page by page?
You have a getRemote call somewhere in you ou you themes code. Scan the code and see if the error message used matches. If so adjust it to provide more information maybe the url …
The latest Hugo update (v0.133.1) displayed the actual resource URL which was failing to load (it was a Twitter link in an old post). Many thanks to Hugo developers for improving the error message!