How to convert a string to a "symbol" or vice-versa

Have used elisp, I am spoiled by “code is data and data is code”.

So I can generate a handle to a variable from a string if I like. Is that possible in Go templates?

See this as an example to understand what I mean…

    {{ $siteVarNames   := (slice "Title" "Author" "Social" "LastChange" "DisqusShortname" "GoogleAnalytics" "Copyright" "RSSLink" "LanguageCode" "BuildDrafts" "Params") }}
    {{ $siteVarSymbols := (slice .Title  .Author  .Social  .LastChange  .DisqusShortname  .GoogleAnalytics  .Copyright  .RSSLink  .LanguageCode  .BuildDrafts  .Params ) }}
    <table class="debugprint">
        <tr><th class="key">SiteInfo variable</th><th class="value">Value</th></tr>
        {{ range $idx, $elem := $siteVarNames }}
            {{ printf "<tr><td class=\"key\">%s</td><td class=\"value\">" $elem| safeHTML }}
            {{ partial "debugprint.html" (index $siteVarSymbols $idx) }}
            {{ printf "</td></tr>" | safeHTML }}
        {{ end }}

Above, as you see, I need to get the variable “handle” .Title, as well as its associated string name "Title".

So is there a way I can avoid creating $siteVarNames as well as $siteVarSymbols, and instead derive one from another?

Full code debugprint.html

Why I do that? To get this: