I think you might need a list template. (Either /layouts/_default/list.html or /layouts/section/about.html:
For /layouts/_default/list.html
{{ range where .Site.Pages "Section" "about"}}
Your code here
Basically you want to list all the pages in the /about/ section (any first subdirectory under /content/ is a section)
For /layouts/section/about.html
{{ range .Data.Pages }}
Your code here
The context of .Pages (.Data.Pages and .Site.Pages) changes from one list template to another. .Data.Pages will be in the context of the current section node.
I’m sorry, I didn’t see that you were using the mainroad theme.
Mainroad theme only has one list file, layouts/_default/list.html which contains:
{{- $paginator := .Paginate ( where .Data.Pages "Section" "post") }}
So it’s only going to display pots from the “post” section (/content/post)
you have two options here:
you can modify the default list page line #9 to
{{- $paginator := .Paginate .Site.Pages }}
you can copy layouts/_default/list.html (and don’t edit it) to layouts/section/about.html so your html layout can remain consistent with the theme, and modify line #9 to
{{- $paginator := .Paginate ( where .Data.Pages "Section" "about") }}
This way you can have a list template for your /about section.
Whichever option works best for you. I’m not sure if this will throw off anything else in the theme, but that’s how you could articles from the /about section.
Thank you Hash_Borgir. I had thought that the list template was more or less for pasting bits together into one page, and had not realized that it would be used to create a list of pages with links.
I followed your second option, assuming you mean to copy the code in the layouts directory in the root of the project and not inside the themes directory. I modified the code based on the second option. I can bring the pages up by entering the url into the browser’s url bar (x.com/about/faq/) so I know they are being built. However, I still cannot get to them through menu navigation. My menu nav is still as in my first post.
Let me make this very concrete. I have content/about/ and inside the about folder I have two files (about.md and faq.md). I want people to be able to click through from the main menu and have option to click on either link and go to either page. I’m still not sure where I am off track. This is a very primitive need so I’m sure I’m getting something very simple wrong. Hugo seems so elegant. But the documentation still has me confused. Thanks in advance for help rendered!
hash_Borgir, when I did that the About menu went away but then by adding
menu = ["main"]
in the front matter of about.md and faq.md they were added to the main menu (not quite where I want them).
In the link to the documentation (I see .20 has landed) an example is given in YAML
parent: 'extras'
weight: 20
How would I format that in TOML?
I think the documentation would benefit from adding several small actual use cases. I read the documentation again but I am still not clear about what must be in config.toml and what must be in the front matter of the page I am linking to. Can it be done either way or must it be in both places?
The reason why it might have vanished is because my information might be from a few older versions. I still need to catch up.
{{- range sort .Site.Menus.main }}
<li class="menu__item {{if or ($currentNode.IsMenuCurrent "main" .) ($currentNode.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) }}menu__item--active{{end}}"><a class="menu__link" href="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Name | upper }}</a></li>
{{- end }}
This is the code for the menu.html partial for the mainroad theme. It’s just iterating over .Site.Menus.main. I am used to having done .Site.Params.menu.main etc. Change the code to this, and your menu will come back and possibly work: