How menu multiple pages in folder

I have in “content” a folder named “about” with multiple files in it which I want to link to from the menu.

In my config.toml file I have

  name = "About"
  weight = 35
  identifier = "about"
  url = "/About/"

In the menu I only have About and clicking it gives me a page with no links titled “Abouts”. What am I doing incorrectly?

(I’m using the “Mainroad” theme.)

I think you might need a list template. (Either /layouts/_default/list.html or /layouts/section/about.html:

For /layouts/_default/list.html

{{ range where .Site.Pages "Section" "about"}}
    Your code here

Basically you want to list all the pages in the /about/ section (any first subdirectory under /content/ is a section)

For /layouts/section/about.html

{{ range .Data.Pages }}
    Your code here

The context of .Pages (.Data.Pages and .Site.Pages) changes from one list template to another. .Data.Pages will be in the context of the current section node.

I’m sorry, I didn’t see that you were using the mainroad theme.

Mainroad theme only has one list file, layouts/_default/list.html which contains:

{{- $paginator := .Paginate ( where .Data.Pages "Section" "post") }}

So it’s only going to display pots from the “post” section (/content/post)

you have two options here:

you can modify the default list page line #9 to

{{- $paginator := .Paginate .Site.Pages }}


you can copy layouts/_default/list.html (and don’t edit it) to layouts/section/about.html so your html layout can remain consistent with the theme, and modify line #9 to

{{- $paginator := .Paginate ( where .Data.Pages "Section" "about") }}

This way you can have a list template for your /about section.

Whichever option works best for you. I’m not sure if this will throw off anything else in the theme, but that’s how you could articles from the /about section.

Thank you Hash_Borgir. I had thought that the list template was more or less for pasting bits together into one page, and had not realized that it would be used to create a list of pages with links.

I followed your second option, assuming you mean to copy the code in the layouts directory in the root of the project and not inside the themes directory. I modified the code based on the second option. I can bring the pages up by entering the url into the browser’s url bar ( so I know they are being built. However, I still cannot get to them through menu navigation. My menu nav is still as in my first post.

Let me make this very concrete. I have content/about/ and inside the about folder I have two files ( and I want people to be able to click through from the main menu and have option to click on either link and go to either page. I’m still not sure where I am off track. This is a very primitive need so I’m sure I’m getting something very simple wrong. Hugo seems so elegant. But the documentation still has me confused. Thanks in advance for help rendered!

In addition to the list page at /layouts/section/about.html, you can simply just create two submenu entries using the “parent=” directive.

See for more information.

Just create two submenus and link them to individual pages, as well as having a list template so /about can list both pages.

  name = "About"
  weight = 35
  identifier = "about"
  url = "/about/about"

  name = "FAQ"
  weight = 36
  identifier = "about"
  url = "/about/faq"
  parent = "about"

I am not sure… but I think this is how you would create your sub menus, linking to each page.

hash_Borgir, when I did that the About menu went away but then by adding

menu = ["main"]

in the front matter of and they were added to the main menu (not quite where I want them).

In the link to the documentation (I see .20 has landed) an example is given in YAML

    parent: 'extras'
    weight: 20

How would I format that in TOML?

I think the documentation would benefit from adding several small actual use cases. I read the documentation again but I am still not clear about what must be in config.toml and what must be in the front matter of the page I am linking to. Can it be done either way or must it be in both places?

The reason why it might have vanished is because my information might be from a few older versions. I still need to catch up.

		{{- range sort .Site.Menus.main }}
		<li class="menu__item {{if or ($currentNode.IsMenuCurrent "main" .) ($currentNode.HasMenuCurrent "main" .) }}menu__item--active{{end}}"><a class="menu__link" href="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Name | upper }}</a></li>
		{{- end }}

This is the code for the menu.html partial for the mainroad theme. It’s just iterating over .Site.Menus.main. I am used to having done etc. Change the code to this, and your menu will come back and possibly work:

  name = "About"
  weight = 35
  identifier = "about"
  url = "/about/about"

  name = "FAQ"
  weight = 36
  identifier = "about"
  url = "/about/faq"
  parent = "about"

As for your question bout yaml->toml, try something like this, though I’m not sure what this would accomplish.:

    parent = "extras"
    weight = 20