How is the Hugo Doc site showing shortcodes in code blocks?

What do you mean by “mixed” shortcodes? I currently see no limitation using this comment feature.

Playing with a echo shortcode like this:

{{ range (seq 0 (sub (len .Params) 1) ) }}
  {{ $.Get .  }}
{{ end }}
{{ $.Inner }}
{{ range (seq (sub (len .Params) 1) -1 0)  }}
  {{ $.Get . }}
{{ end }}

You can comment out a sequence (you give the comment start (/*) and the comment end (*/)

{{</* echo 10 11 12 />}}
{{% echo 20 21 22 %}}hello **world**{{% /echo %}}
foo bar
{{< echo 30 31 32 /*/>}}


{{< echo 10 11 12 />}} {{% echo 20 21 22 %}}hello world{{% /echo %}} foo bar {{< echo 30 31 32 />}}

There you have the < and % shortcode usage both at the same time.

{{%/* echo "foo" %}}hello **world**{{% /echo */%}}


{{% echo “foo” %}}hello world{{% /echo %}}

I really like this feature - how could a theme document it’s shortcodes without it?