How do you organize your projects folder?

Do you guys delete them after final deployment/final push to git repo? Zip them up and archive? Keep everything open for 3 months?

Is there any benefit to having one node_models with webpack and having all the projects alongside it?

I am using github to keep everything, content and theme. To deploy, I have a build script that sets up a tag with the current date, so I can go back to it if I need it by any chance:

/usr/bin/git -C $DEFAULT_DIR tag DEPLOY-date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M&& /usr/bin/git -C $DEFAULT_DIR push --tag

I make a src folder for any node_modules type stuff that I do not need in my own repo, and add anything like that to .gitignore. Also, I usually end up editing whatever build script to copy any custom files that I need to keep, like a main.scss file or something, into a backup folder that is being committed to git for safekeeping.

For example, if I’m using, I edit its package.json to include some extra lines that copy things around:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "npm run build:watch",
    "mutations": "immutable-css src/tachyons.css --strict",
    "build": "npm run build:css && npm run build:minify && npm run build:css2 && npm run build:minify2 && npm run build:bak1 && npm run build:bak2 && npm run build:bak3",
    "build:css": "tachyons src/tachyons.css > css/tachyons.css",
    "build:css2": "tachyons src/tachyons.css > ../../static/css/tachyons.css",
    "build:minify": "tachyons src/tachyons.css -m > css/tachyons.min.css",
    "build:minify2": "tachyons src/tachyons.css -m > ../../static/css/tachyons.min.css",
    "build:bak1": "/bin/cp -rf src/tachyons.css ../tachyons-backup/tachyons.css",
    "build:bak2": "/bin/cp -rf src/rc-custom.css ../tachyons-backup/rc-custom.css",
    "build:bak3": "/bin/cp -rf package.json ../tachyons-backup/package.json",
    "build:watch": "watch \"npm run build\" ./src/"

That way I have a copy of all the important stuff I need, for when I need to upgrade Tachyons.

Also I have, for example, this .gitignore for the same project:


