How do you access a map in frontmatter using "with"

My TOML frontmatter:

    text = "somethinghuuge"
    url = ""
   text = "therealdonaldtrump"
   url = ""
  text = ""
  url = ""

In my layout:

<a href="{{.url}}">{{.text}}</a>

{{with .Params.links.twitter}}
<a href="{{.url}}">{{.text}}</a>

{{with .Params.links.instagram}}
<a href="{{.url}}">{{.text}}</a>

The code above works, but I don’t want to generate the anchor link for instagram as it has an empty url.
I tried doing {{with .Params.links.instagram.url}} instead, but than I can only access {{.}} e.g. url and not {{.text}}.

Try this:

{{with .Params.links.instagram}}
{{ if ne .url "" }}<a href="{{.url}}">{{.text}}</a>{{end}}

However, I’m wondering if you could just do this:

{{ range .Params.links }}
{{ if ne .url "" }}<a href="{{.url}}">{{.text}}</a>{{end}}
{{ end }}
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You’re the man! The first option works best for my use-case.
