How do I encode a URL in frontmatter?

I have the following front matter in a page:


In my partial I have:

“url”:"{{ .Params.authorurl }}"

I get in the output:


(Some lines above are omitted for clarity)

What do I need to do to get “url”:“” in the output?


"url":"{{ .Params.authorurl | safeURL }}"

Thank you . I tried that and I still get the same output.

Sorry for the newbie question…

It’s hardly a newbie question when I cannot give you a correct answer …

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"url": {{ printf "%s" $.Params.authorurl }}

See, it keeps coming up :stuck_out_tongue: I’m definitely adding it to the Themes > Variables section like now.

Let us know whether it works.

What’s the context of this code? Are you trying to output into a javascript block? If so, try using this safeJS.

"url":"{{ .Params.authorurl | safeJS }}"

I have posted a working example of the issue as a public GitHub repository. Clone this and run hugo and observe the output.

Oh, the joys of Go templates. This is one area where Go templates are often confusing or surprising. Thanks for the sample project. If you missed it, @rindolphus had the solution for you.

The issue revolves around Go template contexts. Go often doesn’t like inserting content into a value. It wants to create the entire value. In your case, Go wants to insert the entire JS string including the double-quotes, not just the stuff inside the quotes. Two ways to make this work:

"page":{{ printf "%s" .Permalink }}
"page":{{ printf "%q" .Permalink | safeJS }}

Thank you for the reply and suggestion.

Maybe I am missing something. My web site is still generating the escaped URL.

I have changed my code to match your suggestion, did a rm -fr public and then hugo. I have pushed the results back up to my github repository so you can see the public/index.html file.

Is it important to note that I am using the templating inside JSON+LD?

In case you don’t want to review the Git repo:

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "page":"{{ printf "%s" .Permalink  }}",
  "page":"{{ printf "%s" .Permalink | safeJS }}"

<h1>Bug Example?</h1>



<script type="application/ld+json">

<h1>Bug Example?</h1>


I have used URL processing in other parts of web sites without any issues. The only difference I can tell is that this is a HTML script element block containing JSON+LD.


Fix your base URL in your config.toml to something with forward slashes:

baseurl: ""

I tested your github repo before my last reply, and it worked for me. What version of Go and Hugo are you using?

I ran into the same issue. @MooreReason has the right solution.

In your template you’ll want to remove the surrounding quotes from the value implementation.

So instead of:
"page":"{{ printf "%s" .Permalink }}",

You’ll want
"page":{{ printf "%s" .Permalink }},

Or you can just test from your original example,
"page":{{ .Params.authorurl }},

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Yeah, you are right. Just, that last one won’t work, cause the double quotes will be missing. From the original example:

"page":{{ printf "%s" .Params.authorurl }},