Trying to put the current year in the footer of my theme. Is there a way i can dynamically add that?
Ok I figured it out it’s {{ .Now.Year }}
Getting year for a post date variable you can do:
{{ .Date.Format "2006" }}
Current year for footer:
{{ .Now.Format "2006" }}
I’ve been using .Now.Year but told it is deprecated and to use the now template function. How do you use it? Its not documented and can’t seem to find a forum post about using it. Not on or the netlify version of site.
The reason I ask is because I can’t .Now.Year in my custom RSS but can do it in a partial.
Display the current year using the template function dateFormat
{{ dateFormat "2006" now }}
Also work {{ now.Year }}
{{ now.Format “2006” }} is what ultimately worked for me.
I’ve got the latest version of Hugo (0.29) and I can’t get the year to work.
Both of the below work for me on version 0.30-DEV.
{{ now.Format "2006" }}
{{ dateFormat "2006" now }}
It might help if you can upload your example site somewhere (github, gitlab) and paste a link to that.
Why “2006”?
It’s just a strange syntax for specifying date format… think 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7:
Number | Meaning | Examples |
1 | month | 01, Jan, January |
2 | day | 02, Mon, Monday |
3 | hour | 03, 15 |
4 | minute | 04 |
5 | seconds | 05 |
6 | year | 06, 2006 |
7 | timezone | -0700, -07:00, -07, MST |
Update: Just blogged about this – Time formatting in Go