How code wrap automatically in new line

I have some quoted paragraphs of text in the code block, and I want the text to wrap itself instead of showing up on the same line. The reason I don’t use a quote block is because the quoted paragraph has many lines of text, and adding the symbol “>” to each line is cumbersome.

But I can’t find an option to turn on wrap from the documentation: Syntax highlighting | Hugo

  • linenos: configure line numbers. Valid values are true, false, table, or inline. false will turn off line numbers if it’s configured to be on in site configuration. table will give copy-and-paste friendly code blocks.
  • hl_lines: lists a set of line numbers or line number ranges to be highlighted.
  • linenostart=199: starts the line number count from 199.
  • anchorlinenos: Configure anchors on line numbers. Valid values are true or false;
  • lineanchors: Configure a prefix for the anchors on line numbers. Will be suffixed with -, so linking to the line number 1 with the option lineanchors=prefix adds the anchor prefix-1 to the page.
  • hl_inline Highlight inside a <code> (inline HTML element) tag. Valid values are true or false. The code tag will get a class with name code-inline.

Can you provide a small markdown example of what you are trying to achieve? Line wrapping in a fenced or indented code block is, for the most part, not desirable.

thanks for your reply, I use obsidian to manage my articles, which wrap and display well, while hugo does not wrap and not easy to read.

obsidian(Markdown editor):


In this case I think auto-wrap is easier to read because I don’t have to drag the slider, I hope that there’s an option to turn on auto-wrap. :smile:

The text was copied from somewhere else, and if I used a reference block I would also need to escape each html tag and add the symbol “>” to each line, which I thought would be a hassle, so I put them in the code block

Wrapping is a CSS problem. So add something like this in your stylesheet:

code[data-lang=text] {
    text-wrap: wrap;

You’d make it easier to read the original text if you posted it as code instead of a screenshot using a light font on a dark background, with too little contrast.

Tanks for your reply, Doesn’t seem to work, I’m sure the selector selected the code block.

It’s not a Hugo issue in any case. You might try posting a link to your repo or at least the website so that one could have a look at the whole image.

Thanks for your tips, in order to show this article (not yet finished), I posted it here:

Remove the horrible table stuff around the code and the lines wrap just fine. You don’t need line numbers anyway, do you? And a table is semantically wrong, anyway.

It is still not a Hugo issue, so you should continue your quest in places dealing with HTML and CSS problems.

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Your source is not the same as the one displayed in a screenshot. An option is added and everything changes.

I don’t want to waste time with people who don’t give clear information and multiply messages.


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Thank you, after remove the line number and add the css code, it’s working fine.

Oh I’m sorry, your solution is fine, after remove the line number and add the css code that you given, it’s working well.

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