I want to have two different page titles, one for my root page and one for my blog section.
if the theme does nothing unusual:
# /content/_index.md
title: mypage
# /content/blog/_index.md
title: myblog
btw. it’ usually a good idea to read the docs of your compiler (hugo) and your library (blowfish theme) and get familiar with the concepts and API
Okay thanks. Yeah you’re right. I probably should
Just checked it and it doesn’t work like that. The title toml key in each article markdown file only adds to the title toml key in the config. Like:
title: "My First Post"
disabled = false
languageCode = "en"
languageName = "English"
weight = 1
title = "Peme969's Blog"
Would equal to: My First Post - Peme969’s Blog
If made the title toml key in the config = “”
the -
would still appear after the My first Post
Hope there could be a better solution. OR I could make a custom toml key and replace the default <title>
in the html templates. I’ll try that later.
the title comes from: blowfish/layouts/partials/head.html at main · nunocoracao/blowfish · GitHub
yeah, you should.
you need to customize the library (blowfish) that adds to the compiler (hugo) that builds your application (website).
Thanks. I spent a good amount of time trying to find it. I went to the right folder though (blowfish/layouts/partials)
Yeah, I was a confused how I could have customized the page since I didn’t know the folder structure.
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