Headless Bundles together with Taxonomies

I swear, making an entire pseudo-project on Github just to ask a question is a nightmare… >.<

Anyway, I was reading about Headless Bundles as substitutes to Taxonomies and, on top of it, if I got it right, a way to get rid of the Data Files

After a lot of struggling with the concept, I managed to set-up a basic multilingual structure which I used in this demo repository. However, after implementing the “all-in” template for Taxonomies provided in the docs — which I really like to keep so I can build an entire search system from it — I noticed that all sections stopped working, “redirecting” me to the Taxonomy Terms template (/tags).

After MUCH debugging and even a start over I noticed that the culprit was the Taxonomies’ definition in my config.yaml. Taking as an example the Taxonomy Term actors, which would list all actors from all movies, I should be seeing a listing template but what I actually have is the Taxonomy Terms’ rendered again. If comment out that entry, everything works as expected and either /en/actors or /pt/actors now list the only two actors I’ve added as a demonstration (Tom Hanks and Tim Allen).

Can’t Taxonomy Terms coexist with Headless Bundles? If not, what could I do to have the same hierarchically rendered Taxonomy Terms (or close to, even if I have to code each block individually).


While waiting for an answer, assuming it’s really not possible to have both Taxonomy Terms along with Headless Bundles (well, at least not when their names conflict) I tried to replicate the template from the docs manually in favour of the Headless Bundles and I almost got it right (I think).

It’s already updated on Github as well (template /taxonomy/single.html in hello-friend-ng’s theme folder), of course, and, with it, if you access for example /en/taxonomy (best name I could find >.<) you’ll see the entry Fake Actor created on purpose associated to both movies to the date, however, its headless bundle has been associated only in /content/<LANG>/titles/toy-story-2, not the other one.

The obvious problem here is the inner-most {{ range }} that doesn’t take into account any condition, but of the attempts I tried to make each of the movies to appear under each entry (e.g. movies each actor played a role, movies of each genre and etc) all failed.

It may not be the best approach, but after some thinking, I managed to replicate the mentioned 3-levels (in this case) Taxonomy Template in favour of the Headless Bundles. I’m still unsure if they really can’t coexist together or if it’s just a matter of giving them different names but it works perfectly, as long as the proposed structure and relationships are respected.

And I’m so happy today that I decided to share the feat with the community before the demo repository is sent to the void :smiley:

{{- range (where .Site.Sections "Section" "!=" "bundles") -}}

  {{- $this    := . -}}

    Retrieves the Headless Bundle that matches current Hugo's Section
    and builds the Top Level Taxonomy Term

  {{- with $.Site.GetPage (printf "/bundles/%s" $this.Section ) -}}

    <li data-term="{{- .Title -}}">
      <a href="{{- .Params.permalink | absLangURL -}}">{{- .Title -}}</a>


       Iterates over all Regular Pages (i.e. excluding Page Files such as _index.md)
       from each valid Hugo Section to build the Second Level Taxonomy Term
      {{- range $k, $v := (where $.Site.RegularPages "Section" $this.Section ) -}}

         Overwriting `$this` seems to not cause any problems to the inner-most
         `$this.Section` below because, apparently, they hold the same value needed
        {{- $this = . -}}

        <li data-term="{{- .Title -}}">
          <a href="{{- .Permalink | absLangURL -}}">{{- .Title -}}</a>


             Iterates over each Regular Page from the "Titles" Section to build
             the Third Level Taxonomy Term creating a pseudo-recursion linking
             all existent Titles to all of the other Second Level Taxonomy Terms
            {{- range $k, $v := (where $.Site.RegularPages "Section" "titles" ) -}}

              {{- $bundle := . -}}

               First we iterate over the Taxonomy Terms Parameters that matches a Hugo Section
               in order to retrieve the corresponding Headless Bundle
               Then we compare if the Headless Bundle retrieved matches with the Regular Page
               retrieved two `range` above
              {{- range (index .Params $this.Section) -}}
                {{- with $.Site.GetPage . -}}
                  {{- if eq . $this -}}
              <li data-term="{{- $bundle.Permalink -}}">
                <a href="{{- $bundle.Permalink | absLangURL -}}">{{- $bundle.Title -}}</a>
                  {{- end -}}
                {{- end -}}
              {{- end -}}

            {{- end -}}


      {{- end -}}

  {{- end -}}

{{- end -}}


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