Header image disappear


$ hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.65.3-211BA42A/extended linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2020-02-23T10:07:00Z

Template: Syna

My public repo on Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/arahasmas/psite4

It happens that the header image disappears if two particular instructions are present or not into the config.toml file.

Inside the /content/global/ directory there is the hero.md file with the following instructions:

fragment = "hero"
#disabled = true
date = "2020-02-24"
weight = 50
minHeight = "250px"
background = "light"
particles = false

#title = ""
#subtitle = ""

   image = "header.jpg"

   image = "bannertext.png"
   width = "700px" # optional - will default to image width
   #height = "150px" # optional - will default to image height

Well, if the following instructions are not inside the config.toml file

 RelativeURLs = true
 CanonifyURLs = true

the header.jpg image appears (but the JS files are not loaded). If instead those instructions are present in the config.toml file, the JS files are properly loaded, but the header.jpg image disappears. This happens both locally and online.

What is strange is that the bannertext.png file which is indicated as “asset” in the same hero.md file and is kept in the same directory as header.jpg does not disappear wether RelativeURLs and CanonifyURLs are setted or not.

What can be the problem?

This question is very specific about a very complex theme, that is currently broken on the Hugo Thenes showcase with the latest Hugo version.

I doubt that people here have the time to invest in debugging this. You need to ask the theme authors directly at the theme repo on GitHub.

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I opened some issues in the Syna repo, but I cannot say if the above one is a problem of Syna or a Hugo one, and the topic about “relativeurls” and “canonifyurls” belongs to a well known hugo bug (Issue when baseurl have subdirectory)

Where can I read something about the “brokeness” of Syna in the hugo themes showcases?

Hugo bug? Not really. See: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoThemes/blob/master/README.md#common-permalink-issues

As for Syna see here: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoThemes/issues/810

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