Group unique values by front matter param

I want to display all unique keywords used in the section books and group these
by genre.

keywords = ["Adventure", "Climbing"]
genre = "Fiction"

keywords = ["Adventure", "Swimming"]
genre = "Fiction"

keywords = ["Biography", "War"]
genre = "Non-Fiction"

What I’m looking for:

Genre: Fiction
Keywords: Adventure, Climbing, Swimmming

Genre: Non-Fiction
Keywords: Biography, War

This will give all unique keywords:

{{range (where site.Pages "Section" "books")}}
  {{range .Keywords}}
    {{$.Scratch.Add "keyword" (slice .)}}

{{range .Scratch.Get "keyword" | uniq}}

But I’m not sure how to group these keywords by genre so I was thinking I might need to do something like this:

{{$.Scratch.Add "index" slice}}
{{range (where site.Pages "Section" "books")}}
  {{if .Params.genre}}
    {{$.Scratch.Add "index" (dict "genre" .Params.genre "keyword" .Keywords)}}

This gives a map, but I’m not sure where to go from here.

You could group by page param:

{{ $books := where site.Pages "Section" "books" }}
{{ range $books.GroupByParam "param_key" }}
<!-- your keyword logic here -->

If I understood correctly, I should do this:

{{$books := where site.Pages "Section" "books"}}
{{range $books.GroupByParam "genre" }}
{{range .Keywords}}
{{$.Scratch.Add "keyword" (slice .)}}

This gives the following error: can't evaluate field Keywords in type hugolib.PageGroup

Also, how would I get the .Key (genre) for the keywords?

Look at the link in my previous reply and see the example. You have to do additional work after the grouping.

Thanks. I’ve been looking at the example you linked to as well as this thread: Get all unique taxonomies of a page, but I’m still struggling.

I’ve managed to get the .Key and all keywords, but I can’t get uniq to work correctly.

{{$books := where site.Pages "Section" "books"}}
{{range $books.GroupByParam "genre"}}
{{range .Pages}}
  {{range .Keywords}}
    {{$.Scratch.Add "keyword" (slice .)}}
  {{$.Scratch.Get "keyword" | uniq}}

I’ve tried placing {{$.Scratch.Get "keyword" | uniq}} in different places, but can’t get it to display the unique keywords for each genre.

Using similar code to the example I linked to above, I also can’t get the correct values.

{{$books := where site.Pages "Section" "books"}}
{{$slice := slice}}
{{range $books.GroupByParam "genre"}}
  {{range .Pages}}
    {{range $tag := .Keywords}}
      {{$slice = $slice | append $tag}}
    {{range $uniqueTags := $slice | uniq}}

Basically, I’ve tried two different ways to achieve the same result.

Try this:

{{$books := where site.Pages "Section" "books"}}
{{range $books.GroupByParam "genre"}}
<h3>Genre: {{.Key}}</h3>
{{$keywords := slice}}
{{range .Pages}}
  {{range .Keywords}}
    {{$keywords = $keywords | append .}}
{{$keywords = uniq $keywords}}
<p>Keywords: {{delimit $keywords ", "}}</p>

That works! Many thanks for being such a helpful community member on here. :raised_hands:

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