Grammatically correct multiple authors?

This is the function that outputs the author name(s) in the partial summary.html

{{- range .Params.authors }}
{{- with $.Site.GetPage “taxonomyTerm” (printf “authors/%s” (urlize .)) }}
By {{ .Params.authors }}
{{ end }}

with one author, it outputs

By Author One

and with two authors, it outputs

By Author One By Author Two

With two authors, how do get the output to be grammatically correct? Like this:

By Author One and Author Two

If needed, the config.toml contains:

author = "authors"

and an front matter:

authors: ["Author One","Author Two"]

Looking at your code i guess this is what you want: (not tested yet)

{{- $theAuthors := slice -}}
{{- range $author :=  .Params.authors }}

  {{- with $.Site.GetPage "taxonomyTerm" (printf "authors/%s" (urlize $author)) }}

    {{ $authorLink := printf `<a href=%q>%s</a>` .Permalink $author }}
    {{ $theAuthors = $theAuthors | append $authorLink }}  

  {{- end -}}

{{ end }}

{{ if eq (len $theAuthors) 2 }}
  {{ delimit $theAuthors "and" | safeHTML }}
{{ else }}
  {{ delimit $theAuthors ", " "and" | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}

Thanks, that looks promising; but I get the error function "Params" not defined on the line {{- range $author := Params.authors }}

whoops i missed the dot, should be .Params.authors

Ah, I should have seen the missing . myself. Thanks, it works great :slight_smile:

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