WARNING: Mucho pasta! Spaghetti code below, mmm mama mia!
How can I grab the right string of text for a meta description from my Config.toml?
This is what I am doing so far to achieve this:
My pages are made into .Section (/about/, /support/ etc). Each at its own folder in the root. Some of them are under /content/, some under partials/pages/ as templates. (It isn’t all over the place, its done like this for a reason.)
I want to grab the string from my Config.toml
about = "This is a description for the about page."
And here is my meta description from my header.html
<meta name="description" content="
{{- if .IsHome -}}
{{- $.Site.Params.description -}} /// this is for the main site
{{- else if .IsSection -}}
{{- if eq .Section "about" -}}
{{- $.Site.Params.Pages.about -}}
{{- else if eq .Section "support" -}}
{{- $.Site.Params.Pages.support -}}
{{- else if eq .Section "privacy" -}}
{{- $.Site.Params.Pages.privacy -}}
{{ else if eq .Section "site_map" -}}
{{- $.Site.Params.Pages.site_map -}}
{{- else if eq .Section "press_room" -}}
{{- $.Site.Params.Pages.press_room -}}
{{- else if eq .Section "video_policy" -}}
{{- $.Site.Params.Pages.video_policy -}}
{{- else if eq .Section "support" -}}
{{- $.Site.Params.Pages.support -}}
{{- else if eq .Section "contact" -}}
{{- $.Site.Params.Pages.contact -}}
{{- else if eq .Section "publishing" -}}
{{- $.Site.Params.Pages.publishing -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- .Params.description -}}
{{ else }}
{{- .Params.description -}}
{{- end -}}">
Behold. This works. But since some of my pages are in content/blog/ and others are at the root, I have to access the config.toml with $.Site.Params., otherwise it won’t work. No biggie.
Can someone lend a hand and let me know how can I do this code I posted, as a function or something, in a more elegant way? Because really, i am no fan of spaghetti code.