Getting error on site launch

Hi!! This is the first time I am using Hugo and I am using Learn theme. I have only edited config.toml which I have shown below.

baseURL = “http://localhost:1313/
languageCode = “en-us”
defaultLanguageCode = “en”
title = “Sci-Fi Route”
theme = “hugo-theme-learn-1.1.0”
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = “true”
relativeurls = true

home = [ “HTML”, “RSS”, “JSON”]

description = “A Route to the world of Sci-Fi”
author = “Pervez”
showVisitedLinks = true

title = “Sci-Fi Route”
weight = 1
LanguageName = “English”

title = “Route d’Sci-Fi”
weight = 2
LanguageName = “Français”

But on running “hugo server -D”, I am getting the error as below. Any suggestions plz ?

Building sites … WARNING: calling IsSet with unsupported type “invalid” () will always return false.

ERROR 2020/05/17 12:24:25 render of “taxonomyTerm” failed: “C:\Users\sharim raza\PycharmProjects\ServerlessWebApp\serverlesswebapp\themes\hugo-theme-learn-1.1.0\la
youts_default\list.html:6:16”: execute of template failed: template: _default/list.html:6:16: executing “_default/list.html” at <index .Site.Sections .Section>: e
rror calling index: cannot index slice/array with type string
Built in 126 ms
Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of “taxonomyTerm” failed: “C:\Users\sharim raza\PycharmProjects\ServerlessWebApp\serverlesswebapp\themes
\hugo-theme-learn-1.1.0\layouts_default\list.html:6:16”: execute of template failed: template: _default/list.html:6:16: executing “_default/list.html” at <index .
Site.Sections .Section>: error calling index: cannot index slice/array with type string

According to the output you’re providing, there’s an error in one of the templates of your theme, namely layouts/_default/list.html. It’s likely not your fault, but theme author’s. Try another theme.

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Thanks @nekr0z, seems I was using an incomplete version of the theme, downloaded the latest version and it worked. Thanks for your support.

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