Get a page resource by name

I must have missed a breaking change, but going through the changelogs I couldn’t figure out which.

This code works for hugo 0.136.5:

{{- with $author.Resources.GetMatch "avatar" -}}
    {{ $avatarimage := (.Fill "300x300").RelPermalink -}}
        <img alt="{{ $ }}" class="img img-raised" src="{{- $avatarimage -}}">
{{- end -}}

Using version 0.143.1 this is just returning an empty string. From what I saw in the docs, there isn’t a way to fetch a resource by name.

Am I correct?

assuming $author is a page object you can use Resources.Get with the full path in the page bundle or Resources.GetMatch with a glob pattern avatar*.jpg which returns the first match.

if that does not work, you may want to share the stuff around. folder structure $uthor source, template


├── posts/
│   ├── post-1/
│   │   ├── a.jpg
│   │   └──
│   └──


title = 'Post 1'
  name = 'avatar'
  src = 'a.jpg'


{{ define "main" }}
  <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
  {{ .Content }}

  {{ with $r := .Resources.GetMatch "avatar" }}
    {{ with .Fill "300x300" }}
      <img alt="{{ $r.Name }}" class="img img-raised" src="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}

{{ end }}

This works with v0.136.5 and later.

@irkode yes it’s a page object, but I can’t assume the file name in the template.

I have these pages in content/authors/bruno-amaral/
Here is the example front matter:

    - name: avatar
      src: bruno_amaral.png
    - name: header
      src: gregoryai_background.jpg

In other parts of the template, @jmooring 's example works to render the header of the current page.

Current template

{{$author := ""}}
{{ with .Params.authors }}
{{- range . }}
  {{ $author = $.Site.GetPage (printf "authors/%s/" .)}}
  {{- with $author.Resources.GetMatch "avatar" -}}
  {{ $avatarimage := ""}}
  {{- $avatarimage = (.Fill "300x300").RelPermalink -}}
  <img alt="{{ $ }}" class="img img-raised" src="{{- $avatarimage -}}">
{{- end -}}


├── authors/
│   └── bruno-amaral/
│       ├──
│       ├── bruno_amaral.png
│       └── gregoryai_background.jpg
├── posts/
│   ├──
│   └──


title: Post 1
date: 2025-02-10T07:37:24-08:00
  - bruno-amaral


title: Bruno Amaral
  - name: avatar
    src: bruno_amaral.png
  - name: header
    src: gregoryai_background.jpg


{{ range .Params.authors }}
  {{ with $.Site.GetPage (printf "authors/%s/" .) }}
    {{ with $r := .Resources.GetMatch "avatar" }}
      {{ with .Fill "300x300" }}
        <img alt="{{ $r.Name }}" class="img img-raised" src="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
      {{ end }}
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Works for me. Try it:

git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-53483 hugo-forum-topic-53483
cd hugo-forum-topic-53483
hugo server
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Reading this again, if you want the alt attribute to be the author name instead of the resource name:

{{ range .Params.authors }}
  {{ with $p := $.Site.GetPage (printf "/authors/%s/" .) }}
    {{ with .Resources.GetMatch "avatar" }}
      {{ with .Fill "300x300" }}
        <img alt="{{ $p.Params.Title }}" class="img img-raised" src="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
      {{ end }}
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

I tried to implement your code but it still doesn’t return anything. Nor locally, or in CloudFlare pages.

Here is the resulting page, where I can fetch the header for the current page but not the avatar of the getPage function. The Dawn of Truly Personalized Learning


That’s not a documented front matter field, and there’s a reason for that.

In every other content file you correctly created a custom parameter named “kind” by placing it under the params key:

  kind: team-member


Must have done that when I was trying layouts. Thank you, @jmooring !

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