I’m new in Hugo and don’t know a lot here.
I have the following: 1) JSON file with structured data (project changelog), 2) some text in Markdown file. I wish: append to the Markdown file (after the text) another part of Markdown that generated from structured data.
For example:
## Title
Some intro.
## Changes
{{ range $.Site.Data.api.changelog }}
### Changes for {{.version}}
{{ with .messages }}
{{ range . }}
- {{ . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{ "version": "1", messages: ["..."] }
It demonstrates my intention, but it doesn’t work yet, since Hugo restrict using templating in content files as I know. So, I though I could move the snippet to shortcode as following:
{{ range $.Site.Data.api.changelog }}
### Changes for {{.version}}
{{ with .messages }}
{{ range . }}
- {{ . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
and content/changelog.md:
## Title
Some intro.
{{< changelog >}}
It produces the following HTML:
<p>Some intro</p>
### Changes for 2021-05-01
... (raw markdown here)
So, it isn’t what I need unfortunately. Though, I guess how and why it is happened and I don’t blame the Hugo, looks that it works correctly.
I expected something like this in result HTML:
<p>Some intro</p>
<h3>Changes for 2021-05-01</h3>